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16b2x CPU

date: 2022-05 ; 2023-01 ; 2023-04
desc: second CPU design, mostly fixes from previous designs ; implemented unified memory ; first CPU written in VHDL
proj: not available, maybe will be, not sure


schematic of v0
full image

as with previous design, this CPU was initially done in logisim
this time there were no major flaws in the ISA, general layout was somewhat inspired by SAP from Digital Computer Electronics (same thing that Ben Eater used for 8 bit computer)
pretty much everything that had to be fixed from previous design, was fixed
as note near ROM/RAM (and as some features of ISA, described below) suggests, project was not fully complete then (or ever)

schematic of v1
full image

added circuitry allowed for instructions to execute for 2 cycles which is essential for unified data and instruction memory
most instructions execute in 1 cycle as in previous iteration, loads and stores take 2 cycles
during 1st they access data, during 2nd they access next instruction

waveform of v2
full size image

first major-ish project in VHDL so code is not as good as it should be, entire project is in single file, including tests
implementation does not have multicycle instructions for simplicity, same as first iteration of entire project



M[x] refers to accessing memory at address x
P[x] refers to accessing IO port with id x (not implemented in any iteration)

Instruction Format:


	AAAA - opcode
	BBB  - Rd id
	C    - if 1 then second operand is immediate, otherwise it is register
	X3   - Rs
	X4   - imm4
	X8   - imm8

	Xn means last n bits of X

Example Program:

	mov 	R0, 0
	mov 	R1, 1
	#computes nth fib number
	mov 	R7, 9

	jz  	R7, end
	stw 	R0, 0
	mov 	R2, R0
	mov 	R0, R1
	add 	R1, R2

	sub 	R7, 1
	jnz 	R7, loop

	mov 	R0, R0 #nop for assembler to place label correctly



the main goal of this project was to unify memory
unfortunately I dont remember attemps too well but the entire approach was very convoluted and ultimately could not work
idea (as much as I remember) was to check whether data is already out and if so switch address
this cannot work because there is nothing that stores 1st result so a register has to be added
but a register cannot just store data whenever and has to wait for clock so the only solution is to have multicycle operation
note 1: there is another slight problem with checking availability of data - logisim RAM outputs data almost immediattely and does not signal whether it is ready
note 2: even with latch (which does not update on edge) something like clock has to be used to decide when to update that latch
note 3: updating on half cycle works too but that behaves identically (from digital logic POV) as twice as fast clock

after taking long break and accepting multicycle operation, unified memory worked pretty much instantly
CPU was not designed with more than 1 cpi and it was kind of hacked in
each instruction has "last cycle" in control signals and if it is set then instruction is fetched to Instruction Register, this is usually the case
if it is NOT set then IR is not updated and '1' is written to additional 1b register which allows current instruction cycle to be updated to 1
the middle-man register is completely not needed, next design fixed this problem
solution is to NOT use ASYNC reset of register that holds current cycle of instruction, as was done, for some reason

full image
control of cpu
full image


VHDL here was mostly like processor design of the 16b1x, giant pile of mess, not knowing what I am doing and trying to make things work
921 lines of entities with their testbenches and CPU
most of which is VHDL boilerplate (that part did not change in later projects) and actual logic is simple, CPU body (connections between components and logic) has only 60 LOC
most of which are whitespace or VHDL keywords
other than that, it is almost 1:1 translation of first iteration


No disasters and fixed previous mistakes!
instructions were allocated properly and format is pleasant to write assembler for (this time it was written almost immediattely, as it should)
overall layout is also much nicer to look at however individual components are mostly identical as in 16b1x


no stupidly bad decisions and mistakes like last time, all are minor enough to land in THE UGLY


Did not use ports even though there are somewhat specified in the ISA
ISA could still be copy-pasted here and site would still be readable
this is because CPU is so simple there is nothing to document, later ones radically improve on complexity (and being interesting) side
NOP slide is still present and there is no halt instruction so CPU always executes

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